Don’t worry she said. To no one but herself. Her mom had recently passed away and-but Everything’s going to be Okay. Everything always has a way of making itself into okay. Everything has a way of being okay. After all, is life about suffering? Is life about worrying or is it about wondering? My head’s been in the clouds lately. The turmoil has been like a thunderous night. Waiting. In anticipation for the rain. You can’t buy love, but you can buy handmade, and that’s kind of the same thing. Is this fiction, or is it fact? She had always taught the importance of giving from the heart. Hold on. I gotta sit down, she thought. Everything’s going to Come Up Rosie. That’s how life is. A bowl of consequences. Things always have a way of working themselves out, though. There are trials. There are tribulations. There are triumphs. And there are failures. She had ta...