So anyway. Getting back to this log house - and how it came to be in my life. I was transferred at work, and the commute was just too far... this area was middle ground and we had been talking about it for a while. My ex-husband and I had bought and sold four houses prior to this move. We had moved a total of eight times during our 22 year marriage. He liked a house, I liked a house, he chose a house... it was never a mutual decision. We were never really on the same page. So, we got together with his friend's wife, Jacquie, who was a real estate agent. She showed us two places prior to this one. Neither were to our liking - on that we agreed. One had train tracks - and trains that passed by quite noisily several-times-a-day, plus it was on what seemed to be a fairly busy street. The next one overlooked a trailer park on one side and had a transfer (garbage) station in the back plus a kitchen that ...