So anyway. Getting back to this log house - and how it came to be in my life.
I was transferred at work, and the commute was just too far... this area was middle ground and we had been talking about it for a while. My ex-husband and I had bought and sold four houses prior to this move. We had moved a total of eight times during our 22 year marriage. He liked a house, I liked a house, he chose a house... it was never a mutual decision. We were never really on the same page.
So, we got together with his friend's wife, Jacquie, who was a real estate agent. She showed us two places prior to this one. Neither were to our liking - on that we agreed. One had train tracks - and trains that passed by quite noisily several-times-a-day, plus it was on what seemed to be a fairly busy street. The next one overlooked a trailer park on one side and had a transfer (garbage) station in the back plus a kitchen that we and our two young boys could not all fit in at one time. A few days later she told me about this place that was on a little bit of land and showed me the MLS photo: two garage doors. That was it...
We pulled up and had to really pick up our feet - the house had been foreclosed several years earlier and noone had lived in it since. There was at least 18" of snow on the ground - we all plowed our way to the deck where she told us the front door was. Once I stood on that deck and looked around me, I simply said, "I don't have to go in - this is it"... and, for once, we agreed...we mutually agreed.
I knew this house was a jewel the minute we rolled up. Despite the freezing cold temperatures and cloudy skies, we trudged possibly one hundred feet down down a hill, through thick, overgrown bushes and eighteen inches of snow all the while trying to stay on a narrow trail to reach the front door. We took four wobbly steps up onto the uneven deck, and through lifeless, scraggly scrub oak branches we had an unbelievable view of the majestic Front Range... and I knew right then and there that this was where I wanted to be. "I don't need to go inside" I announced as the real estate agent, Jacquie, put in the code to unlock the lockbox which was hanging askew from the delaminating gold knob on the splintered front door. I knew it was my Diamond in the Rough... I knew it would be home.
I was transferred at work, and the commute was just too far... this area was middle ground and we had been talking about it for a while. My ex-husband and I had bought and sold four houses prior to this move. We had moved a total of eight times during our 22 year marriage. He liked a house, I liked a house, he chose a house... it was never a mutual decision. We were never really on the same page.
So, we got together with his friend's wife, Jacquie, who was a real estate agent. She showed us two places prior to this one. Neither were to our liking - on that we agreed. One had train tracks - and trains that passed by quite noisily several-times-a-day, plus it was on what seemed to be a fairly busy street. The next one overlooked a trailer park on one side and had a transfer (garbage) station in the back plus a kitchen that we and our two young boys could not all fit in at one time. A few days later she told me about this place that was on a little bit of land and showed me the MLS photo: two garage doors. That was it...
We pulled up and had to really pick up our feet - the house had been foreclosed several years earlier and noone had lived in it since. There was at least 18" of snow on the ground - we all plowed our way to the deck where she told us the front door was. Once I stood on that deck and looked around me, I simply said, "I don't have to go in - this is it"... and, for once, we agreed...we mutually agreed.
I knew this house was a jewel the minute we rolled up. Despite the freezing cold temperatures and cloudy skies, we trudged possibly one hundred feet down down a hill, through thick, overgrown bushes and eighteen inches of snow all the while trying to stay on a narrow trail to reach the front door. We took four wobbly steps up onto the uneven deck, and through lifeless, scraggly scrub oak branches we had an unbelievable view of the majestic Front Range... and I knew right then and there that this was where I wanted to be. "I don't need to go inside" I announced as the real estate agent, Jacquie, put in the code to unlock the lockbox which was hanging askew from the delaminating gold knob on the splintered front door. I knew it was my Diamond in the Rough... I knew it would be home.
Such a cool story and I do love your view!