I don’t remember particular specifics about the pregnancy. No morning sickness. No strange cravings for odd combinations of food. I was as round as a basketball and felt as clunky as the Bare Traps we had worn in high school. I was scared of how it would all happen; The Birth itself. Books and instructors, your friends and your family can tell you what it will be like. The Miracle of Life is an incredible event. Truly, that’s what it is. If you have experienced it, you’ll understand a little better than if you have not. That moment when a new life swooshes forth. With a slap on the back and the cry that follows; everything else is a whirlwind. Incredible! This new life is one that you created, and is one that you will always love and cherish. No matter what.

His Story began in the PNW. Unexpected but tremendously anticipated! Joining a big brother only a little over two years older. The two of them started off strong and have not only hit the glass ceiling but catapulted through it in recent years. The two of them are a pair. Thing 1 and Thing 2. They not only became best friends, but in the brotherly way they were brought up. It's an amazing sight knowing your children truly care, believe in, cheer on and admire each other. They may not say it, but those hearts are one.
The endless "I love you" behavior and the "I'm going to chop off your head when you're not looking" talk. Haha! They stood up for one another. They watched out for one another. They went places, knew people, had activities together. Even if it was just a mile walk down to the store to get a bag of carrots. Funny. Those were definitely good times...

Well, today is my baby's 21st birthday. I hardly know where all those little Kid years went!?! I found him a card with some little fish in a fish bowl. And as the one fish swims toward the school of them, they (all in their funny party hats, confetti and balloons), scream, "SURPRISE!" and they're all smiling and he's all excited and surprised and smiling, too!! ... and on the inside of the card it says, " On your birthday, may you be as loved as you are!"
My sentiments, exactly.
Happy Birthday Love Dove.
You just never know what’s waiting around the next corner...
Wishing you another amazing trip around the sun.
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