People fleeing from all over the world and begging entrance into other countries due to fear, starvation, persecution and worse has made immigration more prominent now than I can ever remember. Take away all of the political chatter and you realize that immigration is simply (people) who leave their own home and country of birth to go live permanently in a foreign country. Their reasons for doing so are probably as long as their list of names? Whether to pursue a dream and/or to find better opportunities for themselves and their families, human migration has been going on since the dawn of time.
Respectful and kind, this intense individual always had a friendly smile on his face and spoke his words with passion and fire all at the same time! He grew incredibly delicious tomatoes (and tons of other vegetables), created furniture that filled their home and always had a stash of his own homemade wine and vinegar in the basement cellar. His wife, of almost 65 years, loved to sing and sew. She was an immigrant as well.
Without a doubt, immigration is a prominent subject that deserves attention. I'd humbly like to shine the spotlight on the journey of one very special man. A man I simply knew as Nono; a man they called Ned. He stood proud and persevered! That's a consequence of living life.
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