In my position, I help others to learn how to run their own small businesses. I've been believing in, nurturing, empowering and encouraging others to pursue their dreams by being their own boss so that they can work when, where & how they want. After all, that's pretty much the ultimate American dream, isn't it?! The thinking goes something like: if you work for yourself you'll love what you do, you'll work hard, you'll reap what you sow... right? Most importantly, you won't have to be chained to the Company's desk, calendar, agenda, program, hours, evaluations and rules. That one particular, simple, very powerful message has been on a slow simmer in the back of my mind for quite a while now. Truth be told, it has actually begun to stand out like a well-lit billboard on the side of a dark freeway.
Oh, and by the way, in the middle of all this simmering, I got word (along with 423 others throughout the country), that our job with the Company has been eliminated. They gave all of us our pink slip via a webinar - the technical term for our exit that HR will keep in our file is "Job/Position Elimination". I've been working corporate jobs for a long time now.. and, I know what that really, deep down to the core, means in this day and age... but, I was always taught that the corporate bosom was the only place to be; the Company would take care of you - the Company cares...
About a week or two prior to The Webinar I printed the message out... I placed it in a prominent location here in the house and I pass by it several times each day.... every word individually seeping its way into my brain. It has been empowering me to step a little closer to that edge... and each inch I take toward believing that message for myself, the braver and more confident I feel.. After all, I've met more and more people lately who work for themselves, why not me, too?
On my last day with them, I'll invite them to open up their minds more than they've ever done before. I can only hope that they'll see the messages I've been sharing all these years with new eyes. I'll say, "You've been blossoming all along" or remind them to take time to remember that they truly are braver than they believe... stronger than they seem...and smarter than they think... and thank them for being a part of my world.
I've learned, I've shared and I've grown...these past five years have definitely been about change for me; in tons of really good, meaningful ways. In thinking this, I'm reminded of the scene in Neil Simon's movie, "The Goodbye Girl" when Richard Dreyfuss is leaving and Marsha Mason says, "Look, how much I've grown! I'm not even crying!" I finally understand what she meant, and Yes! it feels great to be ready to move on! I do believe that's what this whole journey is about...
On my last day with them, I'll invite them to open up their minds more than they've ever done before. I can only hope that they'll see the messages I've been sharing all these years with new eyes. I'll say, "You've been blossoming all along" or remind them to take time to remember that they truly are braver than they believe... stronger than they seem...and smarter than they think... and thank them for being a part of my world.
I've learned, I've shared and I've grown...these past five years have definitely been about change for me; in tons of really good, meaningful ways. In thinking this, I'm reminded of the scene in Neil Simon's movie, "The Goodbye Girl" when Richard Dreyfuss is leaving and Marsha Mason says, "Look, how much I've grown! I'm not even crying!" I finally understand what she meant, and Yes! it feels great to be ready to move on! I do believe that's what this whole journey is about...
Ciao for now...
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