This week is going so fast! This LIFE is going so fast... I am dizzy from all the craziness! Have you ever felt that way? I was downsized at my job - this Friday is my last day. I've had a month to brew on this situation. I've had 27 days now to mull it over... and, at times, I'm still mulling it over, but I'm also ready to begin my ascent back up the mountain ...

I will say that hope does die hard... I interviewed for the position that will swallow up all of the soon-to-be-eliminated positions. I created my appointment to speak with someone in HR. Said person called me and I auditioned. I nervously yet confidently spoke my answers to her generic questions... knowing I had worked hard all those years to get them to Believe. My job was to EMPOWER them... a task that I had taken very seriously. After the call, I still had my hope; I still felt that little pinprick in my heart. Deeper down... down private corridors and into the dark closets of my inner thoughts, I knew that it wasn't going to be... I knew it wasn't meant to be...
As I think about how far I've come in fulfilling my responsibilities there, I do feel really proud. I GREW there... I CHANGED there... my life changed there! Those women EMPOWERED ME - and for that I am most grateful. The Company may have downsized me... but I discovered things about myself throughout the time that I was there that makes me feel strong - and capable of thundering through even the most villainous of storms! I'm a believer that when one door closes, another one opens... I just have to keep reassuring myself that Everything is going to be OKAY!!
I have feelings of acceptance now... the reactions we experience when going through loss can be numbing... but the lesson learned here is to just keep on keeping on. Poco a Poco as Russ and I like to say...little by little... that's all we can do, right? I guess when we finish, we really just begin? I still have my hope...
Adios for now ..
I will say that hope does die hard... I interviewed for the position that will swallow up all of the soon-to-be-eliminated positions. I created my appointment to speak with someone in HR. Said person called me and I auditioned. I nervously yet confidently spoke my answers to her generic questions... knowing I had worked hard all those years to get them to Believe. My job was to EMPOWER them... a task that I had taken very seriously. After the call, I still had my hope; I still felt that little pinprick in my heart. Deeper down... down private corridors and into the dark closets of my inner thoughts, I knew that it wasn't going to be... I knew it wasn't meant to be...
As I think about how far I've come in fulfilling my responsibilities there, I do feel really proud. I GREW there... I CHANGED there... my life changed there! Those women EMPOWERED ME - and for that I am most grateful. The Company may have downsized me... but I discovered things about myself throughout the time that I was there that makes me feel strong - and capable of thundering through even the most villainous of storms! I'm a believer that when one door closes, another one opens... I just have to keep reassuring myself that Everything is going to be OKAY!!
I have feelings of acceptance now... the reactions we experience when going through loss can be numbing... but the lesson learned here is to just keep on keeping on. Poco a Poco as Russ and I like to say...little by little... that's all we can do, right? I guess when we finish, we really just begin? I still have my hope...
Adios for now ..
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