It was definitely time to get out of the craziness for a minute; time to go country - REAL country... Mountain Goat Country!! We live in a small town, and our town happens to be growing like a weed. The commute to work is getting as bad as traffic in L.A. & Seattle - places we lived and worked in eons ago. People here are certain to become Road Rage certified as the current growth continues like it has the past few years. It was time for an escape!
We went to a place over 10,000 feet above sea level. We went to a place where there were street signs cautioning to watch for cows that might be passing over the road (and not necessarily at the cattle guards), signs hollering at us to be careful, to slow down. That busy world we left behind; jobs that pay too little and demand so much, recurring bills that keep circling back to the mailbox month after month, the never-ending list of projects around the house that need to be finished - we happily left it all behind. In six glorious days and five incredible nights we lived with serenity, relaxation and rejuvenation and were able to forget it all.
Living without TV, internet, social media, phone calls, text messages - and traffic - is practically revolutionary these days! No riots of the mind, just clean and clear thoughts like the cool-headed, mirror-like lake down the hill from where we stayed.
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